How can I support you?

As a Leadership Mentor,
I'm pretty badass in merging Rapid Resolution Therapy® and My Magic Sauce
Rapid Resolution Therapy®
Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) by Dr. Jon Connelly is a method that speaks to both the conscious "thinking" mind and the unconscious "emotional" mind at the same time through a light hearted conversation. In a session, we will clear anxiety, melt fear and pressure and upgrade things that are already good, but can get even better. And the best part? You just have to sit back and let me do the heavy-lifting for you.
RRT is particularly good at clearing:
Anger (resentment about something from the past)
Anxiety (general or around a specific event)
Money blocks
Sleep concerns like insomnia
A fear around something specific
Stuckness around food or weight
Effects of sexual assault
Shame, regret or guilt about something specific that happened
Procrastination or stagnation in getting things done
A desire for things that are already good... to get even better
My Magic Sauce
Hello! I'm Juliet, and I'm so excited about the results my clients are getting.
When people come to me, a massive transformation happens. My gift is seeing your most vibrant self, and taking you there at hyper speed.
As I was wrapping up a call with a client the other day, I asked her to remember the icky, fearful feeling she had been experiencing prior to our meeting.
She looked off into space... trying to remember what that icky feeling felt like again, making a confused face..
Then she said,"Wait... I can't feel that fear anymore... I think it's gone?!"
And then, all of a sudden, a huge grin broke across her entire face.
At that magical moment, it was clear that her entire system got the good news: her fear that she would lose her job was GONE.
Her shoulders melted down her spine.
She took a big exhale, yawn and stretch.
Her chest puffed out, she sat up tall, and she had this quiet, calm energy about her.
Her eyes glowed with desire, fun, lightness and a gentle strength.
I could see that her mind was updated and clear.
And also... she looked unbelievably magnificent.
It was beautiful to witness.
I saw a woman in her power in front of me.
I told her to be careful...
for men and women would be lined up,
waiting to get a chance to engage with her incredible energy!
She just giggled, knowing it to be true.
She also knew it had nothing to do with if she would lose her job or not,
but how her mind and energy had shifted.
As we said our goodbyes, I smiled to myself.
I wasn't surprised by her transformation.
This client's shift is quite common in my world.

I frequently hear clients say...

... Because it's quick and painless compared to other therapies/ healing modalities available today.

And, yours will be, too.
Email me here to book your session or book it directly online here.